How to achieve safe check-in and check-out in hotels?

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How to achieve safe check-in and check-out in hotels?

Check-in and check-out procedures tend to be arduous sometimes. For some hotels, the procedure might take some time to process when the guests hand in the documents (such as the ID card or passports). Sometimes, not all check-in and check-out procedures are secure, and sometimes it could take a lot of time for the hotel staff. However, there are some ways that hotels can adopt to make the check-in and check-out process safer

Contactless hotel check-in

Some hotels now have integrated applications to upload their passport or ID card scans to the hotel PMS at home. Therefore, guests could save much time instead of waiting at the crowded hotel reception for their turn. With the power of technology, the systems are AI-based, and thus they could detect thousands of documents. From now on, the guests could stay at home and do the check-in themselves. By applying this practice, it could be a win-win situation for both the staff and the guests: While the staff could reduce the workload, and the guests could also save a lot of time upon their arrival. 


Contactless hotel check-in. Source: Telpo

Another benefit of contactless hotel check-in is that it could reduce the risk of COVID exposure through physical interaction. According to the research in the contactless hospitality industry post-COVID-19 world, Rahimizhian and Irani (2020) indicated that a touchless, flexible, and configurable automated platform that handles all front-office processes while also responding to specific company demands might be the approach the industry need post-COVID-19. 
In addition, the innovativeness of the automated technology could boost the chances of potential customer revisit intention. The research also reveals that with the incorporation of technology can influence customers’ attitudes. The fact that innovativeness has a significant correlation to the revisit pattern suggests that more innovative users tend to take action to travel when the pandemic ends. Therefore, hotels should consider this kind of customer to establish a good connection and foster contactless hotel check-in due to its security.


Safe check-in process with QR Code.  Source: AirHost ONE contactless tablet check-in.


Safe check-in process could be applied to hotels.  Source: AirHost ONE contactless tablet check-in.

Hotel check-in security system 

The guests’ safety needs to be guaranteed, but hotels should also implement safety measures upon arrival. Aside from educating the employees to strictly follow the aforementioned COVID-19 safety measures, pay attention to the software installed in the computer to avoid security breaches upon check-in process. Some of the implications might include the leakage of guests’ and hotels’ confidential information or system hacking.
Besides, hotels should install a notification system if guests change change their information. Hotel should adopt this strategy because this practice could further limit imminent fraudulent activity that could take over the guest accounts (See more here). Last but not least, hotels should provide safe and secure network channels for guest payments and storage for their customer’s information.


Installing security systems for hotels to avoid risks upon check-in process. Source:

What have you grasped today?

To recap, we have covered the topic of how to achieve secure check-in procedures for guests and hotels. Besides strictly following the COVID-19 safety measures such as sanitization or wearing a mask, hotels should consider the potential data risks as well as contactless hotel check-in. 
Written by AirHost Marketing Team

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